
sunday nights

i can't sleep and i wanted to start writing every day
i am going out on the limb of a hand rolled cigarette here
ya know
it's not the
sturdy apparatus
what else is left to do in the winter cold but write
sleepless nights to quote a recent text:

     |The nazis figured out the answer to |
     |sleep, drums of amphetamines forced |
     |on fighter pilots. That worked well.|

drug addled addspace
3 am's a real drag
just wait till 5
the hour before scheduled awakening
the bits to get ready
dried hair
in a crumpled office shirt
a cup of fruit to go from the au bon pain in suburban station;
the coffee is more expensive but that's a small price to pay for

all of this
to say
thank you for calling_______my name is _________, how may i help you?


i will reenter the subspace
nocturnal tunnel digging
rodent eyes and teeth
getting closer to the center
scraping my way to the womb
my room
all the same center of place
i refute atheism
i chew on organ keys
and rotate on a bed of vegetation
it’s all unfolding out from us
colliding rhythms of bass beats
chewing scraping escaping

the characters all mostly the same
collected small circles on the top
networks of bodies connected thru space and memory
indifference falsely estimated as cool
a turn here:

the trick
interior inverse

i want to stand in a white space
free from the objects i have accumulated


i heave a deep breath
of relief
that it’s finally all gone


degenerative texts

the mouth
there are a few 
there are many
the multiple mouths of the many
people opening theirs
+ falling into any other’s

the poets are attempting to neutralize language
or speak of it in terms of anarchy
a centrifugal force
existing within a frame of reference

microcosms of people
on a level in small boxes
dire ramas
housing for the bodies to become warm inside
fueling their bodies
a slave to bodies
jainists starve their bodies
christians love their bodies
                             see historical human content: ancient christians knew that their corpses will be resurrected *eventually*

bodies from the groups
according to geographical location of a birth in a specific time and space: separation of bodies

feed all the bodies
freed all the minds

slave to the machine or typeset or *whatever* setting
art and poetry are also facets of the gray mind matter
chain reaction

i just spent a few moments referencing the Oxford English Dictionary and came up with metaphysics

mouth physics
body  parts

degenerative texts


via BBC news broadcast at 9; followed by radio times; see Edward Humes
NPR 4.26.12

1.3 earths per year
Global warming produces catastrophes
Population increase X 3 
10 billion
these are not isolated issues
we excrete 7.1 lbs of trash everyday
exported trash to china
plastic ocean
magnets for non soluble toxic plastics
food chain absorbing toxic plastic
40 aircraft carriers at sea every year in plastic
digestive tract plastic starving to death on plastic blockage
we are eating plastic

art out of trash
installations of trash
the blindness to sharing complicit behavior is the norm
underestimate how wasteful we are
unwrapped valentines in the trash
rare earths

…truck loads of Jacuzzi/cans of paint


capitalist love story dual suicide

laying across from eachothers

blinking in the last light

of sound

strung up across from eachothers
shot in the head

the product of commodities in art
we should be able to push past; forward

last night i dreamt of your ear lobes and i am pulling tugging
tactile dream wish

but the light went out behind your eyes
inside if your


this is a compulsion
natural neutral

parting pluarity

the difference between life and death is the singluar


escapism fueled
faux extended realities

will you contribute?

plug into the system everyday in one way or another
we live in circles of friends and blood
we have a apparati that continues connection long after reality(a) would have dissolved the currents
we construct ways to unface the sun

collectives of organisms constructed a breathing singular
the mass collection of population                          
moving coursing cruising gliding to the tall glass constructed

reflections of a self entity autonomy working out the work day

the whole world can't be post industrial
the last race to extract all the rare earth

are we sleeping
what do we access when we enter the dream scape
or a state of consciousness that is mass
binary: roughing through the forage of plant life and ancient power structures

who has their hand in the pot?
we all we all have (y)our hands in the pot
on the pot: a plastic milk jug and filled with petroleum, standing on a diamond & gold radial tire

on their knees staggering in a motion that time has not counted
the neo barbarians
make their sacrifices
within the populace
to have it faster
speeding now at an unnatural pace, lips rippling around gum and teeth

will you contribute?

will you be complicit?

as one family demonstrated on television, it was very very hard to live without chinese goods in their home

susten nence
subsist nence
sustain us

free information via plastic data cables transmitting binary
it's all ones and zeros baby
but its also more than that she said eyes fixed on the machine
information transfer, societal constructions, are set in binary terms, but we are a thousand entities in one
we are tiny stands of DNA that lay next to one another constructing infinite space

and this is what i am working on
that realization of connectivity and distance, the one (with)out the other, taoism explained to me by a kid with synesthesia in a dorm on my last night in Japan


disposal digital work
pvc drain pipes
electronic news feed
24 hour news dream cycles
wake up to war on the BBC
cheap coffee french press
wafting nostrils flare
unruly democracy garden
platform politics
order of anarchy and chaos
parts of a whole
streaming randomized glitch data
user generated content
organized anonymous cells
new world interactive installation
aquarian ethereal
fiber optics
neo barbarians caress hairless cats


Neo Barbarians

Neo Barbarians!

modify the body
we have found a way to modify the body
we are no longer (bi)nary
polychromatic lifeforms 
polyschematic lifeforms
but selling bodies is more lucrative than saving them

commodities check list
    healthcare
    education
    war
    oil
    plastics
    etc

modernity; the price we have paid is a disappearing earth
and no one wants to hear it
no one wants to face it
and nor do i
here I am naked
repeating myself
and this rambling text is all I have
I gotta spit it out somehow and I wanna switch to notepad again
what happens after the pollution of the water supply
she should shake off the neo barbarians 
she should shutter and shake
the neo barbarians
sentient memories
memories created by human imagination
carved into the flesh of an elephant earth
the only survival instinct we ha/ve
define neo barbarians: materialism is god, we no longer fear a higher power that could be benevolent but a higher power we thought up and printed and traded and numbers on numbers on numbers
signifiers counters amounters

we just wanna make art
me and the kids we just wanna make art and eat
but the neo barbarians don’t approve:
can it be marketed?
what’s my share?
you don’t have a share or a stake in this
oh well then
destroy it
it must be destroyed
here i’ll spell it out
peace food love filth
fuck yer technology
it never brought you anything but a distraction from reality
neo barbarians railing wars
syria and greece are on fire constantly
drones fly over mexico

neo barbarians:
wipe ‘em out
genocide is yer answer to grief
clear capitalism
neo barbarians:
rule the world in bureaucratic anonymity from inside tall glass towers; bodies draped in wool suits

we have differing opinions about poetry
she thinks that there are rules


i need to do this it is a compulsion don’t put too much thought into the machine the mechanics the mechanisms just work it out pump it out working too fast for digits on keys

like i said the kids and me
we just wanna make art
we aren’t thinking too hard about it
we just wanna make it
because if we didn’t we would die
and the neo barbarians would sigh
a sigh
b/c you can’t sell shit to them kids that you manufactured 
market shares sloping on a downward tilt
a shock to the system
beautiful verse is not valid we are no longer that close to death mister keats
we don’t die with our close friends praying at our bedside
we die next to strangers in cold & sterile machine filled rooms
the neo barbarians charge the people close to us
our debts don’t die with us
they are the immortal creation of the neo barbarians
living on past our memories

rent out the light out
rent out the crystal rock infrastructure
neo barbarians
we rent
is there a divide
is it us/them
or all just 



Past Events that at once were current

the cyclops

please note all misspellings are intended


I realized that an old blog of mine has been completely erased from its existence on our little collection of data that we call the internet so I decided to make this blog. I will be trying to go over some old poetry as well as create new poetry. I may also post traditional blogging posts with pictures I take or commentary on events. Hopefully it's mostly just poetry. I might also create a blog specifically for my adventures in Japan (once i get back).