

you took a gen ed course
"death and dying"
to get over yer lovers suicide

diagrams & Kübler-Ross & the Tibetan book of the Dead & class discussions
all up on the board

at night yer drownin
in greyhounds & ashes
slicin yer teeth on lemon rinds

a friend takes you aside:
that was nearly 2
years ago
and yer still yer still
a roy orbison
song she said

 erry time you feel like it's time to punch a hole in the card
(erry day // erry day)

their name comes thru your spine to yer mouth // taste of discarded life

you took a gen ed course
"death and dying"
to get over yer lovers suicide

statistics & green ways to bury a body & make a body a gem stone & class discussions
all up on the board

at night yer drownin
in PBR & a shot special
slicin yer eyes on lucky strike smoke

a friend takes you aside:
that was nearly 4
years ago
and yer still yer still
a lana del rey
song she said

                 erry time
                          erry time their name comes up thru yer spine to yer teeth
                                                                         you know yer not ready
                                                                         to meet//be a
                                                                         ghost just yet