
Neo Barbarians

Neo Barbarians!

modify the body
we have found a way to modify the body
we are no longer (bi)nary
polychromatic lifeforms 
polyschematic lifeforms
but selling bodies is more lucrative than saving them

commodities check list
    healthcare
    education
    war
    oil
    plastics
    etc

modernity; the price we have paid is a disappearing earth
and no one wants to hear it
no one wants to face it
and nor do i
here I am naked
repeating myself
and this rambling text is all I have
I gotta spit it out somehow and I wanna switch to notepad again
what happens after the pollution of the water supply
she should shake off the neo barbarians 
she should shutter and shake
the neo barbarians
sentient memories
memories created by human imagination
carved into the flesh of an elephant earth
the only survival instinct we ha/ve
define neo barbarians: materialism is god, we no longer fear a higher power that could be benevolent but a higher power we thought up and printed and traded and numbers on numbers on numbers
signifiers counters amounters

we just wanna make art
me and the kids we just wanna make art and eat
but the neo barbarians don’t approve:
can it be marketed?
what’s my share?
you don’t have a share or a stake in this
oh well then
destroy it
it must be destroyed
here i’ll spell it out
peace food love filth
fuck yer technology
it never brought you anything but a distraction from reality
neo barbarians railing wars
syria and greece are on fire constantly
drones fly over mexico

neo barbarians:
wipe ‘em out
genocide is yer answer to grief
clear capitalism
neo barbarians:
rule the world in bureaucratic anonymity from inside tall glass towers; bodies draped in wool suits

we have differing opinions about poetry
she thinks that there are rules


i need to do this it is a compulsion don’t put too much thought into the machine the mechanics the mechanisms just work it out pump it out working too fast for digits on keys

like i said the kids and me
we just wanna make art
we aren’t thinking too hard about it
we just wanna make it
because if we didn’t we would die
and the neo barbarians would sigh
a sigh
b/c you can’t sell shit to them kids that you manufactured 
market shares sloping on a downward tilt
a shock to the system
beautiful verse is not valid we are no longer that close to death mister keats
we don’t die with our close friends praying at our bedside
we die next to strangers in cold & sterile machine filled rooms
the neo barbarians charge the people close to us
our debts don’t die with us
they are the immortal creation of the neo barbarians
living on past our memories

rent out the light out
rent out the crystal rock infrastructure
neo barbarians
we rent
is there a divide
is it us/them
or all just 



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