
passing notes is dead b/c i phones

passing notes is dead b/c i phones

a decades long old teenage tradition
is dead:

papal word passing
replaced by shiny new machines
the machine is only as smart as its user
T: "chad read that text in front of the class"
C: "uhm...nothing to read..."
gets up and shows the teacher a picture of a fellow classmate in a compromising pose
chad gets a free pass to leave so the principal can collect information on the viral

passing notes is dead b/c i phones

there are two sides to your unlimited data plan
maybe more

passing notes is dead b/c i phones

teens were//are never innocent angels
their bodies are changing and so are their minds
brains LITERALLY pairing off unused synapses stored as children

passing notes is dead b/c i phones

in middle school in the 90s she got notes
things like, "i have a crush on you" or "i love you"; pencil heart margins
she didn't take selfies with an iphone
selfies with disposable cameras or an old 35mm cannon
a long process...

passing notes is dead b/c i phones

is now instant
stored data in swedish cold servers
forever forever
burial mounds of plastic data
buildings housing all yer selfies and texts and gmail chats and flickr accounts and facebook likes and blog posts...

passing notes is dead b/c i phones

1 comment:

  1. I remember when I was a kid passing notes in class. It was scandalous and intriguing,we all wanted to read it. Good stuff.
